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Effective and targeted

We offer expertise in various practice areas to support (international) companies, investors, shareholders and government institutions. We are also available to individuals seeking specialised assistance in our areas of expertise.

We strive not only for a no-nonsense and pragmatic approach, but also thorough professionalism and expertise. We attach great importance to punctual follow-up, all of which is “packaged” in clear and proactive communication. Due to respect for this DNA, as well as our extensive practical experience and passion for the law, we can offer goal-oriented and effective assistance.

Driven and personal

Specialised and fast

Pragmatic and clear in communication

Dutch Desk


An ideal mix of years of practical experience and youthful dynamism, all united by a passion for the law. Reyns advocaten attaches great importance to enthusiastic teamwork.

Meet the team


We look forward to welcoming you to our brand-new offices in Melsele and Antwerp.

Contact us